Tuesday, July 7, 2015

It's Time

Image found HERE 

It's time.
It's time to immerse.
It's time to immerse myself.
It's time to immerse myself in myself.

It's time to trust that right here, right now holds all the answers, blessings, gifts, freedom, joy, peace, and love I have been searching for. It's time to accept and breathe deep the healing power of surrender.

Surrender is not a giving up, a quitting, or resigning, but an allowing of an embrace so encompassing that all else falls away,

It's not losing the battle, it is knowing that the battle has already been won. There is nothing to fear, because all there is, is Love. Darkness has been overcome and we are surrounded by eternal Love. The Light of Christ is truly in all things.

Who am I? Why am I here?
Answer questions with silence and a listening ear. You may have become ego aware of your patterns, gifts, challenges and more, but it is time you become aware of who you really are. Divine Nature, your eternal expansive spirit essence.

Remember this part of you- Allow yourself to be aware and present with the now and you will be pleasantly surprised. This knowing and realization will bring you peace and courage. All fears will fall away. You must experience this remembrance, experience yourself as part of the body of Christ.

It's time.
Image credit HERE

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

One day I opened my eyes.

Untitled Poem from March 2008:

There I was
Sitting on the floor in a small room
My legs tucked in, my arms holding tight
My head bowed
Surrounded by darkness
The air heavy and thick




I tried to scream
but I didn't move

Inside I was thrashing, kicking
TRYING to break free
But I remained still, motionless
I prayed for someone to save me
not a sound
                  or hope

The walls
were all closing in
Shivering cold,
I took my last breath

And opened my eyes

I was in a clearing
of warm welcoming Light
I was dancing in the sun
Twirling, arms open wide to the sky
Head held up
Loving warmth flowing
through my being
I sat down peacefully
looked around
The light was coming from people all around me
They were all smiling
They knew me
They loved me

Like in this poem, one day I opened my eyes to a whole different world than I had known before. It was always there, I just wasn't ready or able to see it. Since my eyes have been opened, I have begun to see that the reality I had once lived in was far from the truth.